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First time on skis
€30.00 / 1 h 15 min
Price includes 1 person.


Suomen Latu Paloheinäpaloheina@suomenlatu.fi044 7226328Company id:0202192-1Merchant terms

This course will be available on season 2024-2025.


New to cross-country skiing? This is just the right place for you to start! During this introductory course you will learn the basics about the gear, safety and how to get going with the classic skis. The goal is to get to know the sport and have fun while we are at it. No prior experience is needed. If you use your own skiing equipment, it is recommended that you use classic style equipment.

Duration: 75 min

Suitable for: First time on skis, beginners

Language: English

Equipment: Ski rental for the course 15€. Please add your height, weight and shoe size in the extra information box when paying. If you have your own skis, please test (and if necessary maintain) their grip before coming to the course to get the most out of the course.

Starting point: Paloheinä, between Suomen Latu rental point and ski trails. Please arrive at least half an hour before the course starts. There is changin rooms, toilets and lockers available 200 meters from our rental place (in Paloheinän maja).

Booking calendar and waiting list: A red day in the booking calendar means the course is fully booked, available days are shown as selectable green squares (please have a look at the the example picture below these descriptions). For a full course, you can register by email to the queue for cancellations.

The course will take place when there are at least 4 participants.

Merchant terms:

We only accept cancellations by email. Cancellation of general course can be done latest at the course day 12 pm. See the "Merchant Terms" section for more detailed terms and conditions.

The course will take place regardless of weather conditions, provided that the ski trails are in skiable condition. Exceptions are severe weather conditions (around -15 degrees below zero), storms or other exceptional weather phenomena. Any cancellation/postponement due to frost or storm will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any changes or cancellations will be notified to the registrants personally.


Participants are recommended to take personal accident insurance. Suomen Latu has accident insurance for participants (insurance only applies to permanent residents of Finland). Suomen Latu has the organiser's liability insurance.